Supporting People With A Disability To Achieve Goals

NDIS disability

Living with a disability can be a challenging experience. It may seem like the odds are stacked against you when it comes to achieving your goals and living life to the fullest. Fortunately, there are groups out there that understand what it is like and are dedicated to helping those with disabilities find success. Live and Learn Group is one of these organisations offering support and resources to people with disabilities who want to reach their full potential. The ultimate mission of the Live and Learn Group is simple: create a world where everyone has access to the resources they need in order to live independently and achieve their goals. Through its wide range of NDIS services, from short-term accommodation to day and weekend programs, this organisation strives daily to make this dream a reality for those with disabilities.


What Is Live And Learn Group?


Live and Learn Group is an organisation that provides a range of services to people with disabilities. The group’s mission is to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals, build upon their strengths and develop the skills they need to lead independently fulfilling lives. The Live and Learn Group team are dedicated professionals collaborating with participants and families to identify each individual’s best course of action. They provide mentoring, guidance and resources to help people overcome barriers such as communication difficulties or mobility issues. Through these efforts, Live and Learn Group helps people with disabilities reach their goals while fostering independence and self-advocacy.


Overview Of Services We Provide To People With Disabilities


Live and Learn Group provides services to people with disabilities to help them achieve their goals. These services are tailored to each person’s individual needs, allowing them to get the most out of their experience. From providing personal support and guidance through daily living skills to Supported Independent Living, the Live and Learn Group offers a variety of solutions for those with disabilities. The organisation also provides access to resources such as education, advocacy, and financial assistance. This makes it easier for individuals with disabilities to get the help they need to reach their goals. Through these services, Live and Learn Group ensures that everyone has the opportunity to live independently and reach their full potential. In addition, Live and Learn Group supports people with disability by creating an environment where they feel safe and respected. They provide a platform for those with disabilities to connect with one another, share stories, and gain valuable knowledge about living life on their own terms. Through this support system, those with disabilities can have access to resources that will help them become successful members of society.


Benefits Of Working With Live And Learn Group


Working with Live and Learn Group offers many advantages to people with disabilities. We understand that everyone is unique. Our goal is to help individuals reach their full potential by providing tailored assistance. Here are some of the key benefits that can be experienced when partnering with our organisation:


  1. Access to support services: Our team works closely with each individual to identify their needs and create a customised plan to ensure they have the right resources available. We also provide access to specialised services such as occupational therapy and psychological counselling for those who require it.


  1. Continuous guidance: Our professionals are committed to helping individuals learn new skills, develop strategies, and gain independence over time. We’re here every step of the way, offering support, advice and encouragement as needed.


  1. A sense of community: We strive to create a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their experiences and learning from one another. Through regular weekday and weekend activities, group outings, and other events, we aim to foster meaningful connections between members of the disability community.


  1. Growth Opportunities: At Live and Learn Group, we believe in empowering people with disabilities by giving them access to various experiences that help them develop personally and professionally. Our network has plenty of growth opportunities, from job training programs and educational courses to recreational activities.


  1. Advocacy on behalf of members: We are committed to protecting the rights of people with disabilities in all areas, including healthcare, education, employment, housing, transportation etc., by advocating on behalf of our members at local and national levels.


Overall, partnering with Live and Learn Group means having access to comprehensive support services and a wide range of opportunities designed specifically for people living with disabilities – allowing them to achieve their goals at their own pace in an inclusive environment.


How We Help People With Disabilities Reach Their Goals


Live and Learn Group provides comprehensive support to people with disability in achieving their goals. They offer various NDIS services for individuals with disabilities to understand their rights and access the necessary resources. The group works closely with each individual to create a personalised plan that fits their unique needs. This includes identifying short-term and long-term goals, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and developing strategies for reaching them.  For those who need extra help, the Live and Learn Group offers one-on-one assistance from experienced professionals knowledgeable about disability issues. These professionals can provide guidance on topics such as accessing benefits or finding housing options. The group also connects individuals with other organisations that offer additional support services.


Using the services offered by Live and Learn Group is a great way to get support in achieving your goals! If you take advantage of all our services- it could make a huge difference in your life! Contact us today to start your new life journey.