Empowering Independence: Individual Support Services


In a world that constantly evolves, the pursuit of independence and a fulfilling life is a universal aspiration. At Live and Learn Group, we are committed to making this dream a reality for our clients. Our individual support services are tailored to meet your unique needs, empowering you to take control and lead a meaningful, independent life. In this blog, we’ll delve into the various facets of our individual support services, showcasing how we can be your partner in achieving greater independence and embracing life to the fullest.

Personalised Support for Your Unique Needs

At Live and Learn Group, we understand that no two individuals are alike, and that’s why our individual support services are designed with the participants’ capabilities and interests in mind. Whether you require assistance in a group home, respite care, or the comfort of your own home, our highly skilled and motivated staff are here to provide you with top-quality support tailored to your specific objectives and ambitions.


Good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Our support includes meal planning, cooking, and dietary guidance to ensure you’re getting the nourishment you need.


A clean and tidy living space promotes a sense of well-being. Our team can assist with household chores, keeping your environment neat and comfortable.

Personal Care

Maintaining personal hygiene is essential for both physical and emotional health. We provide support with bathing, dressing, and toileting, ensuring your dignity and comfort.


From creating shopping lists to accompanying you to the store, we assist with grocery shopping to make sure your pantry is stocked with essentials.


Financial management is a crucial life skill. Our experts can help you with budgeting and financial planning, ensuring your financial well-being.

Using and travelling on Public Transport

Navigating public transport can be daunting, but with our guidance, you’ll become a pro at getting around town.

Going to Appointments

Healthcare is a priority, and we’re here to help you attend appointments and follow medical recommendations.

Helping You Find Employment

We understand the importance of meaningful employment. Our team can assist you in your job search and with developing valuable workplace skills.

Connecting You with the Community

Building a sense of belonging in the community is vital. We facilitate community access and participation, helping you forge meaningful connections.

Making New Friends and Much More

Social connections are integral to a fulfilling life. We support you in making new friends and expanding your social circle.

Building Independence

At Live and Learn Group, our focus goes beyond just assisting with daily tasks. We are dedicated to nurturing your independence and personal growth.

Personal Care, Such as Bathing, Dressing, and Toileting

Our compassionate team ensures you receive the personal care you need while respecting your dignity and privacy.

Assistance with Household Chores, Like Cleaning and Cooking

We take care of the chores, so you have more time to pursue your interests and hobbies.

Support with Grocery Shopping and Meal Preparation

A balanced diet is essential for well-being. We help you plan meals, shop for groceries, and prepare delicious, nutritious food.

Facilitating Community Access and Participatio

Exploring the community and engaging in social activities are important for personal growth. We make it easier for you to participate in community life.

And Much More, Tailored to Your Unique Needs and Preferences

Our services are adaptable and flexible. Your goals and preferences are at the forefront of our support plan, ensuring you receive the assistance that best suits you.

Your Journey to Independence Starts Here

At Live and Learn Group, we are passionate about providing personalised, high-quality support that helps our clients thrive. Let us be your partner in achieving greater independence and embracing life to the fullest. Contact us today to learn more about our individual support services and how we can help you live the life you desire.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us now and embark on a journey toward independence and a brighter future.